When fiery (in the best way!) redheaded Constance and her suave beau Ashley decided to elope to Skye they made it part of a trip to Europe and brought 3 of their greatest friends along for the Skye wedding adventure.
Renting a boutique holiday cottage in the tiny village of Elgol they explored Skye (and on the wedding morning discovered that Elgol is too tiny to boast a hairdressers – crisis averted by Constance’s clever girlfriends!). They had their hearts set on sailing to Loch Coruisk for a ceremony by the loch before living it up in nearby Broadford for a wedding dinner with a difference. Strong winds on the morning of the wedding nearly put paid to their plans but by late afternoon the seas had calmed and we were able to board the Eilean a’Cheo for an adventure.
One highlight of the boat trip is always a visit to the seal colony but on this trip there was a lot of hilarity as we delivered the forgotten packed lunch to the skipper of one of the other Misty Isle Boat Trips boats. A few precarious moment before safe retrival!
During the ceremony, celebrant Sonja Eckl Riel incorporate the celtic elements of handfasting and drinking from the quaich. I have never seen a quaich so enthusiastically filled nor overflowing with whisky. The couple brought a broom stick to jump to add their personal dash to the day.
After the ceremony and photographs on our hike back to the boat we drank champagne and chatted in the glow of the early evening sunshine. Another perfect wedding day.